
Modest Monday #Tuesday

Another Modest Tuesday. My dear followers, this is not good! You see, every second Monday, I'm out all day at my homeschool co-op. After that, I get dropped off at swim practice, so when I get home, I'm kind of dead. Still, this is a very bad excuse. :P

Anywhoo (does anyone else realize how often I say that? About as often as Treskie starts her posts with 'so'. Haha! ;P ), here are my favs of this week.

I really love that cardigan, and the red heels actually really look awesome with the blue skirt.

Anyone else lovin' the coat as much as I am? <3

I really have a thing for white jeans. A helpful tip for buying modest skinny jeans is buying one size up. This works at Bluenotes anyway. That way, they still have the look you want, but aren't plastered to your skin. :)

Lovin' everything about this cardigan!

Well mah friends, those are mah favorite pieces of the week. :)

OH and guess what, GUESS WHAT?! The Young Catholic Author now had 10 followers!!!!!!!! Thank you to all my wonderful followers!!! You guys make my day, everyday. ;)


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaah you MENTIONED me! LOL. :D I do start my posts out with so.... like every time. *Sigh*

    So.. .(HEE!) that last cardigan is TOTES ADORBS.

    That is all.


    1. Haha, yeah I did! :D It's a trademark, like you said! :)

      I wonder where that cardigan is from..? It's frabjous.

      The cheeriest of cheers to you!

  2. Very pretty! And I loved how you mentioned Treskie's tendency...errr...habit, of starting her posts with "so". :P I love the blue dress and the cardigan. :)

    1. Haha! :)

      OH! I thought the blue dress was a SKIRT! Ooops. :P
